Nikolina & Alen Engagement Istria

Istria short trip led me to Nikolina and Alen. They were close to their wedding date and called me to make some cool photos of them. One thing they wanted the most : Make some analog photos so we can have them for eternity. Sat in my car with two friends, brought some old cameras and tons of film and headed to Porec. Day before the photoshoot they welcomed us in their house in Tar, had few drinks, eat something, then few more drinks and few more, the rest I can’t remember.

The session

Next morning I found Alen in his old olive garden drinking coffee, waiting for others to wake up. That’s where I made my first photo. Istria is great for weddings and wedding photography, it has everything a bride can dream of. Old lavender fields, beautiful shore, old cities, great wine roads and one of the most welcoming people you can meet on this planet. Wanna get married in Istria? What you’re waiting for?

Well they didn’t want anything like that. Let’s have few hours of fun on a festival of love in a small bay near Porec, Alen said. Never “worked” with such a cool relaxed fun and crazy in love couple like these two before. Images have none or very little post processing since most of them were taken on film. I developed them in my home studio and digitalized them with some old fashioned scanner. I’m sure you’ll notice the difference between these and digital ones you see around the internet. And hope you’ll like them !


bride standing on a beach in early morningmladozenja na plazi u Porecugroom drinking morning coffee Porecmladozenja pije jutarnju kavicubride sitting by the sea in front of a boatold boat in Tar Istriastari brod privezan uz mol u porečubride and groom by the sea in istriabride ona a rock by the seagaleb leti preko čamca u porečumladoženja sjedi na brodu u istribride and groom on a boat in istrialjubav na prvi pogled u istrirope leadingyour eyes to bride and groombride and groom kiss on a boat in istriaartistic wedding photo of bride and groom in istriamladozenja i mladenka se ljube na brodu u porečuphotographer taking photos of bride and groom in istriabride and groom on a boat in rovinjreflection of bride and groom in the seareflection of bride and groom holding oarbride groom legs on a shiphappy bride and groom in istriabride and groom holding hands in porečman and woman smiling at each otherpoljubac u prirodi mladozenja i mladenka istrakiss in the istrian naturebride and groom in front of an old house in itriabride and groom through the flowers in croatiaistria wedding photographer jumps in the sea to take photos of bride and groomromantic moment with bride and groom in istriafunny photo of bride and groom in rovinjopusteni mladenci na fotkanju u porecumladenci gledaju kroz rešetke u rovinjubrides windy hair in rovinj croatiabride and groom sitting on an old wedding boat near rovinjfotografija vjencanja ljubav na prvi pogledbride lies down and hugs groom on a wedding in istriamladenci se ljube na brodu u istria kiss of bride and groom taken with rolleiflexbride and groom kiss in croatia weddingmladenci se ljube i drze za ruke na vjencanju u istribride and groom watching sunset on a wedding in rovinjrolleiflex analog photo on bride and groom kissing in istrian suburbbride and groom holding hands while standing on an old boat on a shore in croatiawedding rings taken by gospon slikar on a wedding in istriafunny photo of bride and groom on a boat i porecbride groom kiss rovinjbride groom kiss porecbride taking photo of a groom with old rolleiflex cameragroom taking photo of a bride in croatiabride sitting on groom sholuder funny wedding photoistrian shore bride and groom huggingdouble exposure of bride and groom watchin the sea in porec

Kratki izlet u Istru doveo me do Nikoline i Alena. Bližio im se datum vjenčanja a mene su zvali da napravimo cool fotkice prije samog čina. Jednu stvar su mi posebno naglasili:  Napravimo session na film kako bismo negative sačuvali za vječnost. Sjedoh u auto sa 2 frenda, ponio sam par starih fotoaparata i tonu filmova i zaputio se za Porec. Dan prije fotkanja ugostili su nas kod sebe doma. Par pića, nesto za prigristi, jos par pića, pa još par, ostalog se ne sjećam. Iduće jutro našao sam Alena kako sjedi u svom starom masleniku i uziva u jutarjoj kavici. Čekao je ostale da se probude. Tu sam i napravio prvu fotku.

Istra je prelijepa za vjencanja a posebno za fotografije vjencanja koje svaka mladenka moze samo pozeljeti. Nudi vam stara polja lavande, prekrasnu obalu,stare gradove, predivne vinske ceste i jedne on najgostoljubljivijih ljudi na planeti. Želite se vjenčati u Istri? Što čekate.
Alen i Nikolina nisu htjeli nista od toga. Hajdemo par sati uzivati u festivalu ljubavi u maloj lučici kraj Poreča, reče Alen. Nisam nikada dotad “radio” sa tako opustenim, zabavnim i ludo zaljubljenim parom. Fotke imaju malo ili ništa obrade buduci sam fotkao na film . Razvio sam ih u kučnom studiju i kasnije digitalizirao na starom skeneru da vam ih pokažem. Siguran sam da će te primjetiti razliku između njih i digitalnih koje uglavnom viđate po netu. I nadam se da vam se sviđaju 🙂

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