Having 2 people open their heart to me is like a blessing for great wedding photos. When I first met Jelena & Luka they were all about rowing and their story behind it. Holding their hand while talking to me, looks of love, smiling faces, you can just feel the warmth between their hearts.
The idea
was to make photosession few days after the wedding. So here’s the big day, we’re at the Small Castle (Mali Dvorac) venue, it’s a “by the pool” wedding ceremony and at the same time Croatian soccer team is leading 2:0 against Czechs. And you know Croatians and soccer, No.1 collateral thing in your life. As the wedding ceremony continues many people are by their phones checking latest result. Double the happiness, double the love, double everyone thrilled with the soccer score at the point 🙂 What an eruption of emotions when they said YES to each other. It was one of few wedding parties where almost everybody was dancing and it lasted till morning. Few days later I’m all about preparing myself for our photosession.
The session
Thinking about them and their story made me go to the store and buy few rubber boats. YES I’ll take them to a forrest swamp near Zagreb organize a race so I can make the most unforgettable and personalised wedding photos they could ever dream off. You can imagine their faces when they parked their car in the middle of nowhere, step in the forest and find me with two boats waiting for them. We found a small cat in the forest and Jelena decided to adopt her and name her after me, you’ll see Memina on photos too. I hope you will enjoy this wedding too, please don’t hesitate to leave a comment or share my work and love for wedding photography.
Kada ti ljudi otvore srce to je blagoslov za dobre fotografije. Kada sam prvi put upoznao Jelenu i Luku glavna tema nam je bila veslanje, koliko su oboje u tome, i prica koja ih veze uz isto. Drzeci se za ruke dok pricaju samnom, nasmjesena lica, zaljubljeni pogledi, jednostavno si mogao osjetiti toplinu koja veže njihova srca. Session cemo raditi par dana kasnije to nam je misao vodilja, a na dan vjencanja cista dokumentarna fotografija i zabava.
Stigao je i veliki dan, Mali Dvorac je savrseno mjesto za obred kraj bazena a isti dan Hrvatska igra protiv Čeha na svjetskom nogometnom prvenstvu. Znate kakvi smo mi hrvati i nogomet, broj 1 sporedna stvar na svijetu. Usred ceremonije Hrvatska je povela sto je istu nakratko uz salve odusevljenja i prekinulo a do prvog poljupca vodimo 2:0. Udvostrucite srecu, udvostrucite ljubav, erupcija odusevljenja. Jedno od rijetkih vjencanja gdje su ama bas svi plesali do jutarjih sati. Ludilo !
Par dana kasnije idemo se fotkati. Fotkam veslace, stoga i odlazim da kupim 2 gumena camca nebih li ih natjerao na utrku u močvari kraj Zagreba. Možete im zamisliti facu kad su se parkirali pored mene u šumi a ja izvlacim 2 camca iz auta 🙂 Usput smo pronasli i malo mače koje su njih dvoje i posvojili i dali joj ime Memina. Ona je na fotkama isto, da obiljezi taj preludi dan. Nadam se da ste uzivali u fotkicama.